Hello World.

Software Engineer

with strong UI/UX skills, an analytical mindset, and over 6 years of expertise in the complete product development lifecycle.

Technical Profile

Strong proficiency in CSS and UI/UX skills, with extensive knowledge of software engineering principles, design patterns, programming languages, and development tools.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Dark


PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, DynamoDB, GraphQL


React, Vue, Svelte, Angular, Node, Socket.io, Ec-Cube, Symfony


Docker, GitHub, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), AWS, Firebase

Previous Works

Manage projects, provide guidance to development teams, and communicate effectively with stakeholders.



Welcome to my CSSBattle showcase! This website is a curated collection of my solutions to challenges on CSSBattle, a platform that pits developers against creative coding tasks to refine their CSS skills. My goal is to achieve a 100% match with the target designs, emphasizing precision, clarity, and the use of the latest CSS patterns and best practices.

open website

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